Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Oh My God?!?!?!

If one of your collegue accuse you with misdemeanor conduct, what would you do? If i know that the accusiation is false and sounds like a cheap tricks, i will punch him/her on his/her stomach and spitting over his/her face. You should do that Sir*. He** has two wives and recently being unemployed, so he tries to attract public attention in order to become popular again.


* Refers to current national president of Republic of Indonesia
** Refers to ex-Indonesia public officer. His initial is ZM.


I present my research proposal in front of panel team members yesterday and they commented my economic model, partly because they are quite unfamilier with my model. They suggested to add several variables, which i had not anticipated before, and ask me to explain my hypotheses. The problem was, i did not prepare my self to explain my economic model in meticulous way, i thought we were going to discuss it only in general terms, so our discussion-turned-out-to-be-like-a-comprehensive-exam was done with myself spent most of the time with an open mouth like a hungry dog. In the end, the said that they will confirm their HR division to confirm my appointment with starting date in the end of this month. Thank God. Alhamdulillah.