Monday, May 07, 2007


Are you interested in blood donation? or have you ever think about blood donation? if one of the answer is yes, then you can go to this site,golongan

I found this site after i read an email from a friend of mine. He suddenly make me remember what i promised to myself in my past, to donate part my body after i die. While waiting for my death may take some time, then i know while i am still living the least i can do is donating my blood. The funny thing is , i don't even know what my blood Rhesus is. Is it positive or negative? i still can not remember it.

Oh yeah, speaking of organ donation, you can register yourself as a prospective organ donor by submitting your biography to this site, matching

I just want you to remember, if you want to register yourself as a prospective donor, either blood or organ donor, do it at your own risk.

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